Prepare for a night out: Discover the best foods to eat before drinking alcohol for a smoother experience.

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Slow alcohol absorption: Lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs can help delay intoxication.

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Protein power: Opt for grilled chicken, tofu, or fish to stabilize blood sugar levels before drinking.

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Healthy fats: Nuts, seeds, and avocados provide sustained energy and support cognitive function.

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Carb choices matter: Choose whole grains and veggies to maintain stable glucose levels throughout the night.

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Hydration is key: Enjoy water-rich foods like cucumbers and watermelon to offset alcohol's dehydrating effects.

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Electrolyte boost: Bananas, coconut water, and spinach replenish lost electrolytes, preventing dehydration.

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Optimal preparation: Incorporate a balanced mix of nutrient-rich foods before indulging in alcohol.

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Enjoy responsibly: Hydrate throughout the evening and pace yourself for a safe and enjoyable experience.

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Elevate your pre-drinking ritual: Prioritize your well-being with smart food choices to enhance your night out.

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